Gratitude Inspiration
A lot of people throw around the word Gratitude. I remember when Oprah inspired her countless followers around the world with her gratitude journal. It actually became a trend, and that is why I have never attempted anything like this before…
But a while back my coach gave me quite a hectic task. She asked me to make a list of 50 things that I am grateful for. I had made a commitment to myself and to her to try everything she asked of me (otherwise I’d be wasting both of our time) – so I went for it.
At first I thought it would be easy. But the truth is it took me almost a whole week to complete…possibly because I am a perfectionist (I am working on this). But I did come to realise how easily I have taken things for granted, especially the little things in my life.
I eventually came up with my 50 things to be grateful for. I was surprised at all my blessings that I hardly ever give a thought to.
An attitude for Gratitude
“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
The plan is for me to look over my gratitude list every day and remind myself that I have everything that I need, right now. There is no longer any room in my life for want. Every day is a new opportunity to be grateful and mindful.
So I thought that I would share 5 things from my list (in no particular order) in the hope that it may inspire someone else.

Here are just 5 of the things that I am thankful for right now taken from my gratitude list
- Senses and movement: the mere fact that I can see, hear, touch, smell, taste and move is a true blessing and I am thankful every day for each one of these things. I am grateful for my yoga practice and the connections that I have with myself because of yoga. I promise to take care of my body and my health in order to preserve my gifts as best I can.
- Love: the ability to love and to be loved is priceless. I am grateful for the love of my family and friends, and the love that I have for them in return. I am moved everyday by the unwavering and unconditional love that I share with my fur children (dogs and cats). Love is eternal. Even alone, one still has the ability to experience Love: towards yourself, other people, animals, the elements and the universe.
- Growth: whether we have higher education degrees or have never finished school, each of us have grown and learned millions and millions of things through our lifetime, and we will continue to do so. From walking and talking, to reasoning and believing, we have all grown and will continue to grow as each day we have new experiences and meet new people and learn and understand more and more every single day of our lives. We have the ability to constantly educate ourselves through life experiences and formal learning or reading. Never miss an opportunity to gain a new insight or perspective on life. You will never be too old to learn from your mistakes.
- Creativity: creativity is an expression of emotion translated into something that can be deciphered by our senses. Whether it be cooking, writing, painting or even having a stimulating conversation, creativity sets us free and allows us to share something special with the world. Make a date with creativity as often as you can.
- Coffee and chocolate (or whatever tickles your fancy): it’s totally okay to indulge in something that makes you feel good. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself and your needs. If you feel like sleeping late, do it. If you feel like turning off your phone and winding down for a while, go for it. And if you feel like indulging in dark chocolate at the end of a long day – join the club! The point that I am trying to make here is to enjoy the little things in life without feeling guilty. So have that extra piece of cake and take that long awaited trip. You will feel happier for it and it will show.
Counting your blessings may sound like a cliché but try it for yourself and if you feel even a little more grateful or blessed, then it was totally worth it. So practise gratitude regularly and share some of your blessings with me in the comments below.
Peace & Namaste!
Follow me on Instagram: @tracy_flashfitfab
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One Comment
Prima Chandra
Now come to think of it, I guess I need to have my own list too. To remind me how good life has been over these years.