Stay Healthy this Winter: 4 Simple Tips
As the weather cools one almost expects to catch at least a cold or suffer a short bout of flu…or worse! But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can easily stay healthy this Winter by boosting your immune defense system. It may just take a little bit of conscious adjustment in your regular routine, but if you stay motivated and put in just a bit of effort, you should be able to beat those nasty Winter chills. Good health and a strong immune system are achievable by keeping these simple tips in mind.
Stay Healthy this Winter with these simple tips:
Don’t let the cold scare you away from your regular exercise habits. Take advantage of the stylish new winter trends in all the stores and online, and layer up. If you are used to outdoor exercise, you can consider changing the time of day that you usually workout to perhaps a warmer time of day if possible, or you can workout in the comfort (and warmth) of a gym, or your own home. There are so many different types of home exercise equipment available today. If you are able to go to a gym, invest in a few sessions with a personal trainer to get you motivated, or even join a group exercise class.
Exercise promotes circulation which ensures adequate oxygen flows to all the cells in your body, encouraging cell healing and growth.
It can be a little more of an effort to stay hydrated in Winter because we don’t get “thirsty” as often as we do when it’s warmer. But an important thing to note is that by the time we do get thirsty, it is already a warning from our bodies that we are on the brink of dehydration. I have formed the habit of drinking warm water in summer and winter. I use a 500 ml cup and fill up to between half and 3 quarters with filtered tap water and then top it up with boiled water from the kettle. You can add a few drops of fresh lemon if you need to get used to the taste. It is vital that you make a conscious effort to increase your water intake. It not only promotes a healthy inside, but a healthy looking outside too, as it aids weight-loss and drastically improves the look of your skin. Aim for 2.5 – 3 litres of water per day. But increasing this to 4 litres can dramatically improve your health, shape and vitality.
Take extra vitamins and minerals to ensure that your body functions optimally especially during the colder months. A good multivitamin and supplement is IMSYSER IMMUNE SYSTEM STABILIZER with 100% natural medicinal plants. I have been using this for a couple of months with excellent results.
The Imsyser range promotes optimal health from the inside out with immune support boosting products that go straight to the root of most health problems. Visit their blog for details on how you can use Imsyser to support your lifestyle. Imsyser products are available online or from Dischem, Clicks, Pick n Pay and other leading pharmacies in South Africa.
Skip the carbs
It’s especially more tempting in Winter than any other season to indulge in those naughty comfort carbs. You can resist! Heavy foods, like bread and pastries, are only briefly satisfying, and it won’t be long before you suddenly crave a bit more, and then a bit more…and then we wonder why we pack on the kilos in Winter. Rather choose warm veggies like my Whole Roasted Cauliflower or if you must have that indulgent cheesy pizza, try my Banting Pizza as an excellent low carb comfort food option. Choose your meal times and portions more carefully and if you feel more hungry than usual, try a mug of hot tea instead.